Kiss the Cook

Welcome to Stupid Simple Recipes.  I tend to follow the KISS method.  Keep It Simple Stupid!  I like to eat but I don't necessarily like the cook.  So the easier it is, the more likely I am to make it.  My tastes are simple and few.  The less amount of work I have to do the better.   This is not a health blog or a cooking show.  There won't be a big write up on each recipe.  There won't be step by step pictures, I'm not a food photographer.  What it will have are recipes that I like to make, that have been passed down from family members, or I have discovered and enjoyed.  I make no claim to any of the recipes here.  I will give credit to others when I know where the recipe came from but generally these recipes are written on small slips of paper slipped into an index card holder.  This is my new recipe box.   Enjoy!
